
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rejoice in the Lord

I know I have mentioned my Chronological Bible already several times. Last Week I finished Genesis, and this week I started Job. I have probably also mentioned before that Job was used as my discipline when I wanted to have a pity party for myself. I am remembering a lot of things about my teen years lately. If I were complaining about how God had made changes in our lives that I wasn't happy about, I would be sent to the living room with my Bible and told to read Job. Mom also let me have pity parties, but she put about a 10 minute time limit on it, seriously. At the end of the time, she would announce that the pity party was over, and she better not hear another word about it. I still set myself times to get over something and move on. That feels like it is pretty healthy.

This has been a crazy week but lots of really good, sweet, things happened. I think reading Job has magnified the good, and even though there has been lots of hectic, I don't think there has been lots of bad. I had one of my past AWANA girls contact me this week, about how to get her little girl into AWANA. That always makes my heart melt. It added even more when she said her brother's kids had started going the week before. Her brother was one of my AWANA kids too. That has really, really made my week.

One of my new year's resolutions was to be more organized, it has been my new year's resolution probably since the year I was born. I am an organized person, but a type-A organized person always thinks they could be more organized, and get more done. I bought a bullet journal and have been very faithful to use it. I am looking at January and realizing I have gotten a great deal done already this year.

Back to Job though. I read a passage this week that has stuck in my brain. It brought a song to my mind, and I have had that song stuck there for the last two days. I thought it only fitting to use the song today, so I went in search of it yesterday. And I found it. I also found the origin, which I didn't know.

First things first, the passage? Job 23:10--"But he knows the way that I take;
    when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold". The song? Rejoice in the Lord, by Ron Hamilton. I have known these two things went together since those high school years. We used to sing the song in Choir at church. What I didn't know is the story behind the song. Lots of people probably did, but I just found out the song was written by none other than Patch the Pirate.

So, I am leaving you with Ron Hamilton's testimony, he also mentions that a lot of the song came from Philippians and of course, it is chapter 4, verse 4, " Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! He also sings his song, so today, I am stopping here, stepping aside, and will let you listen to Ron's testimony and song.

Happy Saturday!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

So This Just Happened.....

It is 5:14 am, Saturday morning. I am sitting at my computer, getting ready to write what I have already had prayer time about, and what I am certain God wants me to say today. Then something happens, and I am reduced to tears in just a few heartbeats, and then something else happens, and the tears continue to fall. And it feels good. A lot of things that have been compounded down in my heart this week has been brought to the surface this morning, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that things that started happening earlier this week was God preparing me for this very moment, when He would talk to me, and put all the puzzle pieces of a week together, or maybe the puzzle pieces of a lifttime just so He can say, "See? This is why everything happens, this is why I am God". And I truly feel His Love wrapped around me, and it is amazing. And I will try to give the story justice, this may be long.

Wednesday morning, I got in my van to head to my moms as we had a doctor visit in Terre Haute. I have had a lot of appointments in different directions this week, and it is always a bit scary because I am afraid I will slip up and forget something and let someone down. Normally, I call my mom about as soon as I get in the car to go to work, but since I was picking her up in 15 minutes, I turned on the radio, to my favorite Christian satellite station. Danny Gokey was singing his new song Rise, I was in love with it immediately. Until 15 minutes or so ago, it was going to be the song at the end of today's blog.

I think I mentioned in a previous blog that I am reading a Chronological Bible this year. Once again, I have been mostly in Genesis, and yesterday was the last chapter. In the last half of Genesis, we see the story of Joseph. I think most people know the story in at least some capacity. Joseph was his father's favorite, his brother's threw him in a pit, then pulled him out of the pit and sold him to the Midianites, who sold him to Potiphar. Potiphar's wife got Joseph thrown into prison, and eventually Pharaoh released him. Long story short, Joseph ended up being the equivalent of the Prime Minister of Egypt. When His brothers came, Joseph ended up moving them and their father to Egypt as well. I have left lots out for the sake of room, this story basically starts in Genesis 37, if you want to explore farther.

In Genesis 50, Jacob, Joseph's father, had died, and the brothers were a bit leery of how Joseph would treat them now that their dad was dead.

Verses 19-21 is what I really want to look at.

19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21 So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

And there it is. God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. The events that had happened over Joseph's life all led to the here and now that Joseph was in a really good place and was thanking God for that.

We have a lady coming to speak to our staff and clients in a little over a week. I have heard her speak twice and am in awe of her. She is a true success story of working her way out of generational poverty. The first time I heard her speak, I learned there were two different types of poverty, generational and situational. I had never really seen it that way, but it explained a lot. For the first time, I realized, I had experienced situational poverty, I had never really put a name to what that time in my life from the time my dad passed away all the way through high school was. I knew then. I have kicked myself over decisions I made after I did get a job, because I bought stupid things, and I could have been doing more to help my mom instead, after all, it was because of her that only my closest friends and a couple of teachers knew things weren't just fine in our lives.

One of the things that Donna, the lady who is coming to speak, drives home is that people just want to feel normal. We live in a society where normal is high priced tennis shoes, designer jeans, and in the present day, the right cell phone. When I was growing up, it was pretty well Nike shoes and Jordache, or Calvin Klein jeans, there was never a time I didn't have them all. And even as I mentioned it this week, my mom defended me in my selfishness (she will comment on me saying that too), in that I worked for those things, I helped out around the house, and made sure she never had to worry about my room being clean, and certain other things, you know, those things I should have been doing without thinking I had to spend a month's worth of grocery money to have the right clothes. Thing is, all of these things brought me to my life today. I still don't understand God and what He is thinking with Mom, but I do know I am me, and I do my job better, and I live my life better, because of what He had me experience. If my dad would not have died, I would have most certainly went to college, my goal was to be a teacher. I would have probably not ever worked at Walmart, or met Andrew, and so I am thankful everything went just the way it did. Although I would still give anything for Dad to have met Andrew and to have got to experience Robert. I daydream about the fun those two would have had together and it hurts my heart but it is God's ways and His ways are perfect, so that's where we go. I also know though, that, when faced with a young person in those same shoes, I could help them still get to college, and still have a better life down the road, and I know, my path was the way it was, so God could use me to help others.

I could go on and on, in fact, this particular blog could probably turn into a book pretty easily, but I will close because one more thing happened, now 45 minutes ago. I went to Youtube to pull up the Danny Gokey song I spoke of earlier. The official video is about DV. I work in a world where DV is an everyday acronym for Domestic Violence. And I WILL use this video in an upcoming blog, it was after I had clicked open another tab, and was getting ready to start typing that the next Danny Gokey song started. "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again", and the tears flowed, and it might as well have been me instead of Joseph saying, "God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done."

So, THAT is the song I am leaving you with. I wish you days of hearing God speaking straight to you, and I wish you the time to really soak that feeling in.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Potpourri....or maybe just scatterbrained.

I have had a lot on my mind, and my plate this week and it has led to a rare Saturday morning when I have too many things pulling on me for this blogspace.

Earlier in the week, or maybe even the end of last week, I saw a post on facebook regarding a dog that had been found and taken to our local vet's office. The dog was later reunited with his owner, after he had been missing for 2 months. I was very happy for the dog and his family. When the dog post first showed up that the vet was trying to find the owner, I shared and prayed that he would be reunited. As excited as I was when he was reunited with his human, I felt a little sad because what if we got that passionate about lost souls? The Bible talks about the angels rejoicing when one sinner repents. (ever have a visual of an angelic facebook-type site?)  I made a new list of friends who have made it pretty clear they don't want "preached" to, or anything to do with God. I have my own little lost file, and am now praying daily that they may be reunited with their creator. I know that by praying for them, I also have more of a responsibility, should God want to use me in that quest. So I pray that if that happens, I don't screw it up.

Another thing that has been going through my head this week....I have been reading my chronological Bible. Abraham had a thing about telling people Sarah was his sister instead of his wife. Technically, Sarah really was Abraham's half sister, but still, he was not truthful about the situation. This actually brought a plague to Pharoah for taking her into his haram, so Abraham's lie damaged someone else, who didn't realize they were being lied to. Later, Abraham did this again with Abimelech, and then, Abraham's son, Isaac, did the same thing with his wife and Abimelech. There are a lot of lessons to be learned here, and I am not trying to belittle Abraham or Isaac in their role in our past, but I think at times we, or I, anyway, get it in my head it was easier to serve God and not sin in those times. Abraham and Isaac clearly had times where their faith waivered, and they took things in their own hands instead of relying on God. But just like for us today, it always works out better when we let God take care of us, and trust that He will. Easier said than done, I will be the first to admit that.

Something else big happened for me this week. About 7 years ago, I  started getting sick. I didn't know what was wrong and I really didn't want to find out. It started right after Christmas that I would have horrible pain in my lower stomach, and then bouts of really bad bathroom trips. In early June of that year, we went on vacation to Cincinnati, and to see the Creation museum. While we were on that trip, I had my first accident and basically had to face facts that I had a real problem. In July, I had a colonoscopy. I remember vividly, 2 o'clock in the morning the day of my colonscopy, I woke Andrew up because I seriously thought I was going to bleed to death. I had self-diagnosed myself as, "this has to be cancer" to be this bad. So, when the doctor came in after the colonoscopy and said it was Ulcerative Colitis, I was honestly relieved. I spent the next few months with that doctor, and not getting any better, lots and lots of accidents, lots of pain, and lots of prednisone. I had a friend who was a PA an would let me go to her office and sit in the back room and take IV's of prednisone. That would usually get things under control for a couple of weeks. It got to the point though where she said we had to find me a different doctor for this and she did. She is who found Dr. Peterson. I saw him for the first time in June of 2011. He promised me he wouldn't stop looking for the right combination to get this under control, and he didn't. I know I had tears in my eyes Wednesday as he said it had not been easy, but he thought we were finally there. He has invested a lot of time in me, and I can't even begin to tell you the gratitude I have for him. I have been on the phone with him numerous times after hours, and on weekends. My pharmacist will still tell you of the day that she and him were on the phone for over 3 hours because due to Andrew's job changes and me losing insurance, the medicine that had been covered and I paid about $10 for, suddenly went up to over $700 and I told him we couldn't do that. They found me a $60 medicine that worked the same way, but true to his word, he didn't give up.

I have had a lot of times over these last years that I had to keep the "why me's" at bay. I have friends that have cancer that can say, why not me, so I should be able to as well. I also had a lifelong friend who had Cystic Fibrosis. When asked how she could stay so positive, she would tell you there is always someone worse off. She was my prednisone buddy for a lot of years. People tell you constantly how evil prednisone is, but it was a little miracle for me, and she felt the same way. There were side effects, but it kept us functioning, and for that, we were thankful. Amy has been on my mind a lot lately. She passed away two years ago the 3rd of this month. That morning, my phone, in all of its artificial intelligence popped up, "Do you have Amy Marrs Young on your mind?" It was seeing the algorithm that showed a lot had been discussed through my interwebz connections that day, but still...
I thought about her Wednesday night, knowing she no longer needed the prednisone, she no longer had trouble breathing, and knowing, if she were here, she would be one of the first to congratulate me for the remission.

Yesterday morning, I was on the road at 6 to get my mom to her doctor in Terre Haute. It was still dark outside but ahead of me in the distance, I could see, low in the sky, flashing lights. I knew it was a helicopter, and I was pretty sure it was probably taking someone to a hospital. That brought the memories back of Amy as well. I prayed for the person in that helicopter. I will never know what the circumstances was, but pretty sure they could use prayer. Several years ago I started praying anytime I saw an emergency vehicle, weather I was meeting a police officer, an ambulance, or a firetruck. Any of those running down the road with lights glaring more than likely means someone at the end of their trek is having a problem, so I pray, and of course, when I see a helicopter, sometimes, it is just the local Rural King guy travelling from store to store, but maybe he needs an extra prayer that day too!

This weeks challenge is for you to do the same, it takes seconds to ask God to be with the situation, and I am a firm believer that prayer changes things, I have lived it too many times first hand, but will save the rest of my scattered thoughts for another day. After all of the events of the passed year, I have started praying for police officers every time I see them, or meet them on the road. Add that to your list.

I am leaving you with Prayer Warrior by Heirloom, one of my favorites. I have actually sang this at church before and I always want to be a Prayer Warrior.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Rest......... Maybe my Hardest Challenge

I have developed a cold, I have had it since Monday and it seems to be either not getting any better, or possibly, getting worse. I kept trudging along until yesterday when I went to the doctor. I had finally decided maybe it was something else, but no, it is a cold. The Rx= rest, fluids, and a humidifier. Not really what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to give me some great meds that would make me feel better so I could get back to work. Here it is, now Saturday morning, and I really have things that need done, both here at home and at my office. I was so disappointed that I didn't wake up feeling better, and that I seriously don't feel like moving, but that urge to get things done is strong.

We all know God rested on the 7th day from all of his creations. I received a Chronological Bible for Christmas and am enjoying it, but have revisited all of creation this week and yes, I will agree God rested......but, look at all He got done first!!! If I could list that I created the Heavens and Earth before I rested, then yeah, I might be more gung ho on sitting around and doing nothing. But I didn't, and obviously never will, so I want to tell myself to just keep working until I feel I have done enough to justify rest.

So, since I am stubborn, and God made me this way, I have to remind myself that He probably allowed me to have a cold so I would be forced to rest. This month is crazy for me, honestly crazier than December, and that sounds funny, but true. I have big praises though. This is the first January in 7 years that I have not had a battle with my UC. Four years ago, I landed in the hospital because of it, this year, no sign whatsoever. I am expecting, and praying, to hear the word, "Remission" on Wednesday when I see my doctor.

I pulled up some verses to remind myself that even though I am not getting everything done today that I am probably doing what God intends for me to do.

Matthew 11:28  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Exodus 22:14 "The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

So today, I am taking God's gift of rest. I pray that when you feel the need to rest, you will see it as a gift as well. 

I am leaving you with Hillsong's Rest In You, it seemed pretty appropriate for the day.

Happy Saturday, and if you need to rest, please don't be stubborn, just take it as the gift it is.