
Saturday, February 24, 2018

What Do You Want (again)

I first posted this back in January but forgot to link it to Facebook. So, I am reposting today.

To the whole 4 people who read it the first time, sorry, you have a repeat today.

ALSO, I am extremely humbled by the response to my post last week. over 1300 people read it. I hope it helped someone, or changed a situation. My normal weekly readership is less than 200 so I am in utter shock, but again, just praying it might have changed things for someone.
To those of you who shared it, thank you.  My blog doesn't make me any money or anything like that. I just do it is a service to my Lord and Savior.

(orig post 1-20-18)

Good morning everyone!

Happy Saturday!

My full intentions this morning was to post a little poem I learned about last week at our conference.

God said, no. So, I am what I feel like is pressed for time, but have to expound on this a little.

So, I am sitting in Houston last week, at the close of one of the best conferences I have been to in a long time, sitting with 4 of the best people I know, and thinking to myself, "Life is Good".

The last speaker of the conference was very motivational, and he shared this with us.

It was spring, but it was summer I wanted,
the warm days, and the great outdoors.
It was summer, but it was fall I wanted,
the colorful leaves, and the cool, dry air.
It was autumn, but it was winter I wanted,
the beautiful snow, and the joy of the holiday season.
I was a child, but it was adulthood I wanted,
the freedom, and the respect.
I was twenty, but it was thirty I wanted,
to be mature, and sophisticated.
I was middle-aged, but it was thirty I wanted,
the youth, and the free spirit.
I was retired, but it was middle-age that I wanted,
the presence of mind, without limitations.
My life was over,
but I never got what I wanted.

I found this very interesting and realized I have been in these times before, and realized right now, I really am not. I started to ask myself what changed. I have realized through a course of events in the last few months, I am what has changed. And I like it. And I believe it is because I have started listening to God's voice louder than other people's. I have things going on in my life right now that I don't understand and for a long time, I have tried to find the answer to the question, "why". I told this to one of my friends one day, and she said, "why does it matter?" And it was a good point.

The week before we left for Houston, I went to buy groceries, I walked out of the house I had wanted since I was in high school,  got into the car I had wanted for several years and took off down the road. I was thinking about the upcoming trip, and wondering what we would learn. I am so excited about the state of our agency right now, and am very honored to be a part of our growth. I love the fact that we make differences not only in individual's lives but the whole community. I have a great family, great friends, and most of all, a Mighty God. It dawned on me that day, I'm living that life I always wanted. I told this to the same friend I mentioned above, and she told me just don't get comfortable, and she is right. I don't ever want to take any of it for granted, it can change in a heartbeat. And if it does, I know God has a plan, but most of all, I know He's got me. And I am going to thank Him daily for what He is giving me right now.

I only have one verse to go along with this.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

So, I am a strong believer that if you are not where you want to be, you and God need to start talking. I am not a "health and wealth" Christian, don't get me wrong. Bad things happen to good people, it's life, it is the result of a few thousand years of sin being in our world, but He's got this, and if you want to stop chasing what you want, and start living what you want, my advice is to start with Him.

Hope you all have a great week!

I am leaving you with Good, Good Father by Chris Tomlin. This song has been in my head as I have written this whole post. It is very fitting, and I am very thankful.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Let Me Tell You a Story

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was a little boy who had a mommy and daddy who loved him very much. He lived in a house with both his mommy and his daddy. When he started kindergarten, he went home and asked why mommy and daddy lived in the same house. This was one of the first things that he was made fun of for.  When he was about in third grade, and his mommy and daddy would take him places, he would go home and ask why kids would make fun of him for doing things with his parents- THIRD GRADE. He was not a big kid, and not very tall. by 5th grade, he became a punching bag for another boy on the bus ride home. His mom's first advice was to pray for the little boy that was hitting him. After being bruised up too many times, and the bus driver not seeing it happen-- (and consequently saying it didn't happen when the mom called the school) the mom says, "just once, hit him back". That may not have been the best advice to give, but she did. That ended up with the little boy having a black eye. He went back to praying for the other boy.

Also, when he was in fifth grade, the little boy was diagnosed with dyslexia. He had a learning disability. This apparently added more fodder for kids to make fun of. He spent a lot of time unhappy and even though he had a few good friends, he had many bullies, and his mom was truly scared. She never worried about what he would do to other people, but what he would do to himself. It made her angry.

His grades became worse, and right or wrong, the mom blamed the school's handling of his learning disability on that as well. It felt like to her they thought he was unteachable.

The highlight of this little boy's life was Wednesday nights, AWANA night. His mom took his 3 best friends and him to AWANA, where he also had two best friends who went to a different school. These two best friends were also at church most Sundays, so he got to see them then as well.

His mom loved seeing those bright days, but they would be mixed with days that truly made her think she needed to seek counseling for him, and she knew the root was how he was treated at school.

The opportunity came for the family to move, and they did. This was partially instigated by, yes, gasp here, the little boy and his two best friends from AWANA that went to another school-the school he would go to. It didn't hurt that this was also the mom's original hometown.

The first day at the new school, when the little boy walked in the gym, another boy who he had never seen before met him and introduced himself. He was a friend of the other two boys and had heard this new kid was coming.

Over the next couple of years, the boy began to thrive. But one day, he got upset with his special education teacher, who he really liked, but he wasn't happy with what she had said. He was in 7th grade by now. He went back to his classroom, and made the statement to another student, he would like to kill her. And you know what happened next? The other student told someone. And the little boy went to the principal's office, and the principal called his parents, and the parents went to school.  Things were discussed in great detail, and it was realized that he truly did not mean it, but understood the repercussions and had detention for a week. He was disciplined, but talked to about what was going on in his mind. The parents didn't yell at the principal, or the teacher, or blame them for their son's actions. They realized, they may have used this phrase at home, not even thinking that anyone would take them literally, and so they learned a lesson as well.

The next year, he was faced with a bully again. One that would wait until they were well off the school grounds, when the little boy was walking home from school. On one particular evening, the bully jumped him and he ended up with broken glasses. The mom called the school but because of the previous run-ins with the other school district, she was sure there was nothing that would be done. She was wrong. The principal took immediate action. The little boy was afraid it would make matters worse. The school made sure it didn't.

The little boy continued to thrive, and be a loving, caring human. The mom thought often about the times she was truly afraid he would kill himself and was realizing that was no longer a thought. She saw him feel safe, secure, and protected. He was happy.

High School is always a scary time for kids, and this was a little intimidating to the boy too. Fortunately, because of his relationships from AWANA, he knew a few upperclassman. The whole family went on a field trip with the High School Chorus before school even started. One of those upperclassmen took him under his wing that night, and the mom and dad knew then everything was going to be okay.

He still had one boy that bullied him, and one day as he was being picked on outside of the high school, the upperclassman mentioned earlier and another one came out the door. They saw what was going on and came to the boy's defense. That was the last time he was bullied.

(Ironically, years later that same boy that was bullying him had a problem and ended up finding the boy because he knew he could talk things out to him. The bully was thinking he might need a place to stay and the boy told him that his house was always open).

This boy grew into the young man that many of you know and love; my son, Robert.

I am that mom. I am the one that was afraid of what he might do to himself. He had a good support system of adults, so I was really never afraid of what he might do to others but am thankful for Travis Wyatt, for taking things seriously when Robert said something he shouldn't have. It was not ignored.
That is a big deal. It was also not ignored when Robert was being bullied, That is a big deal.

I want so badly to bury my head in the sand with all the school shootings, but there is a pang of "what if's" that run through my head. If we would have stayed where we were, where it truly felt almost everyone at the place he spent basically 40 hours a week, was against him, would us loving him have been enough? I say yes because we didn't stick around to know, truth is, I don't know.  I do know Robert is a different young man because we moved.

Do I cry every time I think about what could have been? Yes, Do I thank the Lord for letting us come home to Newton?  DAILY.

I don't know if you can blame one arena on all school shootings whether it is gun control, mental health, parenting, school officials, or other kids.

I do know I wish every community on earth was like Newton. And I hope and pray every child in our own school district has the same experience, I look at the amazing support of this community with the kids and know that when Robert was in school, his friends were not based on the "haves and have-nots" but on common interests, and personalities. I pray it is still like that.

I am by no means saying it can't happen here, we all know that isn't true, but I am saying we live in a community with proactive people. That makes a huge difference.

I already mentioned Travis, but Lori Kocher was the teacher that Robert made the statement about. Lori actually called me about this too, I so appreciated it, and it was the right thing to do. Lori and I had known each other since high school, but I wonder after reading some of the posts if she was afraid of how I would react. I hope not, but I bet the answer is yes.

Garrett Birch and Tanner Parr were the two little boys that I feel like helped save Robert's life. They probably heard more of what was really going on in his days at school than I did. They were just being themselves, but I thanked God for them in Robert's life everyday.

Josh Welling and Greg Sainer were the two that stopped the bullying in high school. Same as above, I am so thankful to God for these boys, who are all now awesome young men.

There were so many more, Robert had such a wonderful support system of both teachers and friends. He will tell you high school was amazing.

Too many of you to name, but you know who you are.

Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for helping make Robert who he is today.

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

It takes a village, it truly does. We have a great one.


that mom

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Bucket List

Two weeks ago today, I was off on an adventure with three of my best friends. We call ourselves the LIHEAP sisters ( thanks to Christine Westerlund for naming us). I say all the time, that I truly do feel things happen for certain reasons. Kathy and I were driving to Geneva, to meet the other two. It was time for a break, so we were in search of someplace to stop. Our choices were McDonalds or the truckstop. I have been doing a morning green juice since the day after Christmas and this day, I had ran out of time. I asked if we could stop at the truck stop because there was more of a chance of finding at least a bottled green juice. You never know what you will find at a truck stop.

We walked in the door and there was a spinner of books, Christian books. We both stopped immediately. One particular book caught my eye (though I ended up buying several). But this book, What if God Wrote Your Bucket List was seriously screaming, "you NEED me!".

The full title has "52 things you don't want to miss" added. So clearly, you could read one chapter a week for the next year. Yeah, I don't do things like that well. I am on #13. Everyday I have read, I thought, "I could do a blog post about this!". I am loving this book and it is very much speaking to me daily.

Some of the chapters are "Set Goals-but Not in Concrete, Drive Through the Storm, Be Last in Line, and Go to Funerals. Those are just a few of the first 13. As I said, all thought provoking and good. The book is available at Amazon, if you are interested.

The Be Last in Line chapter really hit home to me in a different way than normal. I know I have done blogposts here about putting others first but still taking care of yourself, and I still firmly believe that, but it dawned on me as I read this chapter that the more I put others first, the less I feel the NEED to be first. And then I felt really silly for never feeling that before.

It is a little like the fact that you have all these questions you want to ask God when you get to Heaven, and then realize, once you are there, you probably aren't even going to care to know the answers.

The book states, "To be great in the eyes of the world pretty much involves being first. First to reach the mountaintop. First at the box office. First in rushing yards or home runs. First in line at the bank. First place in whatever race you're running. 
But the true greatness comes when you let others go ahead of you. Yes, we should absolutely strive for excellence. God wants us to use our gifts and give our best efforts in all we do. But when glory comes, give it away."

Matthew 19:30 says,  "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." and what I am getting at, is the longer you practice putting others in front of you, the more you WANT others in front of you. The desire to do my best will always be there, and I count it a failure anytime I can't say I did my best, but the desire to have to be first is slipping away. There are so many people in my life that I can't wait to see them fulfill their dreams, and the thing is, I get to help them, support them, and be a part of it, and that is making my life incredible. I feel like I have slipped out of a shell because anyone who has known me forever, knows I have even said, "2nd place is just first loser", but getting to be behind your friends and family as you watch them cross a finish line they have wanted forever; I have realized this week, it is the best seat in the house. I still have finish lines to cross myself, and goals, and dreams but taking them a little slower, knowing when I need to be concentrating on other's needs above my own, that may make me physically last to cross that line, but I truly get God saying the last shall be first. There are days I surely win the most blessings in one day award. 

And, obviously, if it weren't for having friends with dreams that I get to support, I wouldn't get to feel this way, so I am leaving you with Beautiful, by Mercy Me. 

And a special thank you to those friends and family members who put me ahead of themselves, so they get to watch my successes, support me, and be a part. I love you, I hope you know that. You are truly beautiful to me.