
Saturday, August 6, 2016

What's in the Box?

Looking at the last couple week's blog posts, I decided I need a week of "lightening up". If anyone else has had the week I have had, you need some lightheartedness as well. I have been on an emotional roller coaster. I downloaded this feelings chart and realized I hadn't spent much time in the Happy column, but plenty of time in the other three. So, time for an attitude adjustment!

Last Saturday morning, Robert was helping me move some things in the basement, There was a stack of boxes that needed moved. He, as well as I, believed each one of them would be heavy. He picked up one particular box, expecting it to be hard to lift, and it almost flew out of his hands. We had a good laugh but when he opened the box, it was empty. He said, and I quote, "Unbelievable! There that box was, sitting there looking all important, and there was nothing in it!" I immediately said, "There's a good lesson in that for the blog". I didn't really know if I would be led to use it this week, but I am.

Do we know people like that? Look all important on the outside, but when you get down to thinking about the things that count, there is nothing there. What SHOULD be in our box? I naturally assume that the Fruit of the Spirit should be in there.

Galatians 5:22-23 says:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

I know the world spends so much time looking at outward appearance as a sign of beauty, but I have seen some really well-put-together people who are ugly on the inside, and to me, it makes them ugly on the outside.

I have seen many, many people that I see so much beauty on the inside, that it radiates to the outside. I have so many beautiful friends, and that makes the world a better place. Especially when you aren't in that Happy column.

Some people like to surround themselves with beautiful things, and don't get me wrong, I like beautiful things too, God made so many things Himself that are just simply amazing, and then He created plenty of artistic people who can also make beautiful things but when you are going through trials, it is those beautiful people that I would rather have around.

I have gotten to experience  a lot of that this week too; love, concern, and prayer from friends who showed first hand they cared, that, my friend, makes life here on earth worth living.

So, today, as you go about your day, think about the ways God has shown you beauty this week, especially in your friends, family and acquaintances. Then think about ways you can be more beautiful to your friends, Those fruits of the Spirit are hard to show some days but the world is just a better place when we do.

I am leaving you with Jason Gray's "Glow in the Dark", something to Be-bop to this morning. Go have a Happy Saturday, and show the Fruit God has given you!

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