
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Never Too Far Gone

I love the way God speaks to me sometimes. I have to admit there are times, I wish I weren't hearing what He was saying, just needed to throw that out there because I am sure we are all there at times too. This week though, He has made some loud and clear points.

I finished reading Job this week and started on Exodus. We saw how Job, through no fault of his own, was tested and tried and praised God through all of it, even when his friends tried to bring him down and was sure Job had done something wrong.

When we move into Exodus, we meet Moses, who got upset with the way an Egyptian was treating a Hebrew and killed the Egyptian. He thought he did that and nobody knew, but he found out the next day, they did and someone called him on it. Moses took off. God found him. God didn't jump onto him for running, or for the murder; God told Moses He had a job for him. When Moses questioned him, God said, "I AM WHO I AM".

We have had some discussions in our house this week about remembering everything you ever did wrong, intentionally, or unintentionally. It was brought to me that remembering keeps you from doing it again. I felt a little heartsick at some of the things Robert remembered; one being embarrassing a little boy when they were in the third grade. Robert didn't mean to do it, and he apologized but he still remembers it. I have a feeling the little boy doesn't. Sometimes I think we are rougher on ourselves than God ever meant for us to be.

This is a true louder than the voices moment.

I totally agree that a part of us needs to remember where we were and what we have done so we don't fall into the same traps again. However, I do not believe God means for us to beat ourselves up for the rest of our lives.

I think if you make a mistake, there is a lesson to learn or something you need to change in your life, and that is the takeaway.

We all know the verse that says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9), but we seem to have a hard time putting them away, we (maybe with some help from Satan) seems to want to make sure it stares us in the face, for a long, long time.

But GOD says.....

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." (Hebrews 8:12)

Remember, God gave His ONLY Son because of those things we did wrong. He already paid the price. We still need to ask forgiveness and we still suffer the consequences of our actions, and that is that part where we hope we learn from our mistakes but don't ever let anyone tell you that anything you did was too bad for Christ's blood to cover. That is simply wrong.

I am leaving you with a song that was on my radio when I got in the car Friday morning. I always have this feeling that some of the songs, God handpicked for me because he knew that precise moment I would turn the key to my car. With all of these things on my mind, this song was obviously perfect.

Here is Jordan Feliz, and Never Too Far Gone.

Happy Saturday! (and for those of you who saw this was going to be late because I was sleeping in....I slept until almost 7, 9 1/2 hours of sleep, that may be a record for me!)

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