
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Living an "All In" Life

Isaiah 46:4

 Even to your old age I will be the same, And even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it, and I will carry you; And I will bear you and I will deliver you.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know my very favorite Christian artist is Matthew West. I have been listening to his new album and of course, it is wonderful.

I find it so funny that I went most of the summer thinking I should get back to the blog and not really thinking of what I could say, and now that I am back, the flood gates have opened. There is so much I want to say!

This is going to be one of those posts about a song though, or about the message in the song because this one is good, really good. I have not heard the story behind this one but we all know with Matthew West, there is definitely a story.

I also find it funny that I decided last Saturday that it was time for me to get back to really living for Christ. I think I had been on the wrong side of "the edge" and it felt really good to get things right. I have spent a lot of time talking things over with my best friend through all of these things and she made the statement to me this week that she finally sensed I am at peace with things. And I am. I still have things I don't understand, and things I don't like, but it was time to let go of them and know that God is God and I am not.

I had heard All In for a few weeks now, but wasn't really in the mood to take it to heart. Monday morning, I really listened. Most of you know I have a deep, deep love for music and believe that sometimes music can minister where words, and even actions cannot. So, I am driving Monday and this song comes on.

My feet are frozen on this middle ground
The water's warm here but the fire's gone out
I played it safe for so long the passion left
Turns out safe is just another word for regret

I have to admit there are parts of my life that I have definitely not been in the "luke warm" area. I read an article that said you should do something that scares you every day. I have been there for so long I think I would be scared of NOT being scared, if that makes any sense, lol. I do admit I have been going through the motions with some things, and I guess luke warm really would be the perfect descriptor. I have been reading through a chronological Bible this year, and I didn't quit but I have not had the same passion I did early- I think that line, "I played it safe for so long the passion left" hit me right between the eyes.

So, I step to the edge and I take a deep breath
We're all dying to live but we're all scared to death
And this is the part where my head tells my heart
You should turn back around but there's no turning back now

I have been here too many times this week. I have taken some chances,but I spent more time praying over them. I knew my heart was in the right place and prayed that others in my path would know that too. Ironically, I have received confirmation on that, more than once. God is good, All the time. And there will always be times that we want God to hurry up and answer but his answer is to just wait. I am so thrilled that this week wasn't one of them.

I'm going all in
Headfirst into the deep end
I hear You calling
And this time the fear won't win

So, here we are.. The root of this song. How to live.

All In

 Take the leap, and do everything you can, for everyone you can, every day of your life...

and All for the Glory of God.

Have you ever longed to be a certain place, waiting to go on vacation to a favorite spot, or waiting to get home from a long day just so you can put on your pj's and veg out in your favorite chair?

There is nothing else like that feeling here on earth. My favorites float back and forth between sitting on my porch, and taking in a nice long, deep, bath. But when you have looked forward to it all day, it is truly a mixed bag of happiness, and contentment, and well, just blessed.

When you have been at odds with God and you are finally ready to fall in His arms again, it is such an incredible feeling when you can feel them wrap around you. I can hear Him whisper....I'm glad you are home.

I'm so glad I am home.

And of course, here is All In.


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