
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Because He Lives

This has been one of those weeks where I have met myself coming. Today is my decompress day, and though I had a million things on my list to get done today, I have taken the rare opportunity to mark some things for later and go on. And I can....The Bible tells me so:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.

When I am sitting in my quiet time and being diverted from my real purpose of being there by all this stuff I have to do, I truly hear Him whisper, "What you do for Me today is more important than any of that stuff", and similar to what I tell my own Sunday School student, "I would rather you be a happy, rested, Christian, with a house that isn't perfect, than a grumpy Christian who is tired, but has a clean house." Some things are being put by the wayside....

It has been a crazy week and one of those marked up to "I can't believe I get to do this job". Tuesday, I and a cohort took the train to Chicago to go to a meeting in Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower). Wednesday I went to a Homeless Summit. Thursday, I took my mom to the doctor, then went to another office to work on computers;  and yesterday, she and I went  grocery shopping. It has been a busy week, and today I am home. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, so I do have some preparing and practicing to do for that. And yes, my dishes will still get done, as well as the laundry, but I'm not digging into deep cleaning the bathrooms as was originally the plan.

I am trying to plan music for tomorrow's services and all week Because He Lives has been running through my mind. It is apparently my Easter them song this year, but that song holds so much truth.

 In Mark 16:6, we read, " Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.

Do you ever read a book and then go see the movie of the same book? I have a very hard time doing this, as that movie in my head is almost always better than someone else produced. So, when I think about the fact that Jesus hung on a cross, and suffered the death He did, I imagine what must have been going through his mind. I wonder as Jesus hung on the cross, what He saw when He saw me? I realize in such deep wonderment, that everything that was in my future was scrolling before Him, as it was with all of His other children. That, my friend, is humbling. It is even more humbling when I can hear that whisper of Him saying, "You were worth it".

Through our lives, we hit snags where it feels like nothing is going right, we get in those pits where we feel nobody values us, or that we have made too many mistakes and wrong turns, and that we can't do anything right.

He is still whispering, "You were worth it".

He did this so you could have this life, make those mistakes, have those feelings, and then turn to Him, and say, "I need some rest", and He will give you perfect rest.

John 14:19 says:
     "Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live."

Because I live, you also will live. 

Because He Lives.

I wish all of you the happiest of days, hopefully in deep realization of what Christ really did for you, and me, that day He suffered death on the cross.

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