
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Preparing for a Giant

As I continue on my trek through the Bible, I came to David and Goliath this week. As always, when I read through the Bible, God points out different things to me. I find it funny that I can read a regular book over and over and I read the same story. The Bible is very different though, and I feel God points out things to us as we need them in our lives.

We have all heard the story of David and Goliath. Little, humble boy; big. egotistical giant. 5 stones and a slingshot. But going to quickly point out some things God impressed on me.

The whole story is in 1 Samuel 17, if you want a refresher. I am just going to point out a few verses. We all know that David's three older brothers were actually the ones who had went to war against the Philistines. David was sent by his dad to take food to those men. When David got there, he found that there had basically been a 40-day standoff. Goliath would come up and say, send someone down to me, whoever wins, the others will be their servants. Can you imagine, looking across the yard for 40 days, wondering if this is ever going to end, and if it does, is it going to end badly for you?

So, here was David, this young man, looking at the situation. I am going to back up here for a minute and tell you that several years ago, we learned that the part of your brain that tells you something is really dangerous doesn't develop fully until you are around 25. I think God used that fact on David that day. He wasn't thinking about being afraid, he was thinking about solving the problem. So, he basically said, "I will go do this!" King Saul basically told him he couldn't do it, he was not able. David told of killing both a lion and a bear to protect his sheep, yes, he could do this.  Saul finally agreed but wanted to prepare him, to armor him up. When David tried to wear Saul's armor, it was big, and clunky, and truly just made David slower. David took all of this off, went and got some stones, used his slingshot and shall we say, the rest is history.

I have to tell you, I have had a lot of times of doubting myself this week. I am in one of those points at work where God tells me every morning, "Let's go do this!" and by the middle of the afternoon, the Devil is laughing and saying, " who do you think you are?" I so needed to hear about David and Goliath this week. I needed God to say to me, "Look what happens when you are trusting in Me".

Most of the time, I have it in my head, exactly why God is wanting me to put something here. Today, I am not really sure if He wants me to tell you about David and Goliath, or if He wants me to tell you to listen to Him, He will give you what you need. The world may think you need tons of armor to go fight your battle. God says you only need Him.

I am making this short for today, I leave in a couple of hours to go spend time with two of my favorite people. When David was asking what the king would give the person who slayed Goliath, there was a laundry list of stuff. I have known all week, my reward for making it to today was seeing Dani and Tammy. I get a few hours of that deep-down soul cleansing friendship that comes from knowing each other for basically forever. Thank you, Lord for getting me through this week!

I am leaving you with Mandisa's Overcomer. I have had this song on my mind a lot this week and listened to it several times. I can't find where I have used it on the blog before, but if I have, that's okay. Maybe you needed it today too!

Happy Saturday! Have a great week!

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