
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Five Good Things

This has been a week. I am so very grateful it is in the books, but hectic really doesn't do the reality justice. We have had things going on at work, atypical to normal problems, but things that need dealt with. Things that have to happen in order for us to keep growing as an agency. Tuesday, I had my hands on a total of 31 computers in one day, I think that was a new record. 2 of them took me down. 1 of those two, I have no clue as to why. I have some studying in my future, to say the least.

This is week number 2 of the musical I am playing flute for at Robinson, and it was the week of the High School musical here in Newton. As I was looking at a list musicals done at the high school, I realized I think I have only missed 4 or 5 of the forty some-odd number listed. 4 of them I went to because my sister was in them. 4 of them, because I was in ( really 3, but I worked on the 4th, just wasn't on the stage) and 4 of them because Robert was in. I love that legacy.....Roots and Wings.

On Thursday night, I left work at 6, picked my mom up, picked my husband up and made it to the high school by 7. Just a little plug here, if you live anywhere close and have not seen The Little need to see this. It is awesome, the acting, the sets, and the wardrobe are all just astounding. Lots of amazing kids in this too, the chef, who is just "a little" over the top (and fantastic at it) is my Sunday School student. I just sit in awe of the talent God gives people.

As I was on my way to Mom's Thursday night, I was running through everything that had been going on and everything I needed to do, and seriously laughed out loud, and though a couple of my co-workers who were in what felt like a boiling pot with me may not think it is funny, I am just a little amazed at the things God has put me in the middle of. I truly had a "count your blessings" session, and it was good.

When I still worked in AWANA, we had 4 high school boys. These boys were also 3 of Robert's best friends, so our relationship went far beyond Wednesday nights. I knew these boys and I knew their lives. On Wednesday evening I was often met with all of the bad things, or hectic things going on. Why do we, as humans, tend to be able to share bad so much easier than good? I started a little time frame in our evening where each one of them had to tell me 5 good things that had happened since the last week. It changed the atmosphere of the evening.

So, today, I decided, I have so much I want to get done and so little time to do it, I would change my atmosphere. I came up with 5 good things that are in my life right now.

1. My community. I absolutely should be the Poster child for our town's motto: Catch the Spirit; Live the Dream. We seem to take some blows, as do all communities, there have been things happen, but as I was coming back into town last night a little after 10, I was greeted with the square being lit up in blue lights. April is Autism Awareness month, and we go big here. We have a foundation that was started out of the devastating loss of a community citizen. He had two daughters with Autism. His sister-in-law, with the help of many of her friends started a foundation that helps families who have autistic members. I love this. We also have a counseling center that works with special needs children, a lot of work is done with autistic children there as well. Our little county.....doing big things for Autism.

2. Supper, at 10:30....a real live, carb-loaded, comfort food, sleep like a baby afterwards, hot supper. I texted Andrew as I was leaving Robinson and asked if he happened to fix supper. Yes, he had, home made mac and cheese, baked beans, and he and Robert had pork burgers and he was ready to fix me one too if I wanted. I hadn't ate since lunch....I wanted. I love that Andrew is willing to fill in the gaps when I have things I want to do. He doesn't make me feel guilty (I do that myself sometimes, but it is truly just me).

3. Good young people. As I mentioned, the play here in Newton is just phenomenal. Those kids have worked so hard, doing something they enjoy doing but nonetheless, putting in lots of hours and juggling school, other activities, and sometimes even a job in there. I am seeing the same thing out of so many of the school-aged kids in the cast at Robinson, as well as one of our pit members. These kids are learning young, the value of hard work, doing something you love, and all the rewards that go with that. These are kids that will grow up to be the ones to get the job done, and the ones that I believe have a good grasp on our future.

4. Personal and Professional growth. I have gotten to incorporate some things I have wanted to do for quite a while, and it was met from both my boss and the ones I supervise with positive notes. That pretty well made for a good week, no matter what the other madness going on. I have to say though, we have had some pretty major changes at work this week, definitely a point of growth. It hasn't been easy, but there have been parts that went better than expected, and of course, parts that didn't go as expected, but we survived, and it is one of those things that I venture a guess that when we even look back in a month, it will be decided it really did go well.

5. I love my job, everyone knows this, but this week, I was really glad it was time to go home, not only call it a day, but last night, at 4, we called it a week, and it was time to go home. I was only here for a few minutes, giving me time to change gears, and get ready for last night. I love home. I love my house, even when it is not as clean as it should be, or even in need of a handyman (glad I have one, and not really sad that he is too busy to fix some things here right now, lol) but as much as I love my home, weeks like this also make me dream a little of my real home. That one that is always perfect, always clean, never in need of repair. The one Jesus went to prepare for me. For ME.
I love that we have the ability to spend time with Him right here on earth and that a few minutes in silent communion with Him can make the whole world feel different but there is part of me that longs for that day when everything is perfect....and calm.......and right.

John 14:3 says:  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Yes, that will be a blessed day. But until that day comes, I thank the Lord that He sent us a comforter.

Psalms 118:24 says, "This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

So much to be thankful for; good things the Lord has put in our lives, even when other things are not so right.

I challenge you today to find your 5 things. It truly does change your perspective and gets your day going with just a little more oomph.

One of the many songs that I love about Heaven is this one from Chris Tomlin.

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. Great post, mindy! We are blessed to have you in our community! A daily I love that song!
