
Saturday, January 27, 2018

One Day at a Time

Once again, I really had every intention of not doing a blog this morning, I have a long overdue date with the LIHEAP sisters and am leaving my house at 5:15, yet here I sit.

For me, this has been an eventful week. I can say I have gotten a lot done, but there is still much to do. One of my best friends, Dani, called me Tuesday morning, I love it when she calls. She lives 11 miles from work but it takes her almost (and sometimes over) an hour to get there, yes, Chicago. Once in a while, she calls me while she is on that trek, and it just makes my whole day better. I had to laugh when I told her I may have bit off more than I could chew for right now, and she laughs in mocking disbelieve, "You??? You have NEVER done that before!!!", So those who have only known me close to 20 years, this isn't a new thing. Dani is one of those that knows things may not have always been on the timeline I intended, but that I always accomplish what I set out to do.

Wednesday evening, I got to spend the evening with another one of my best friends, Tammy. Tammy's talks always heal wounds for me, and I come away no less refresh than if I had spent a day at a spa. She came so close to not coming, on Tuesday, I asked if we were still on, she had been sick and said she might have to cancel. A half hour later, she texted back and said she really wanted to go. God told her she needed to go. She may tell you it was for her, I may tell you it was for me. I thank God for that present.

Something really cool happened Monday too, I got to explain, over the phone, to a certain internet provider's tech, not only how to bridge a modem, but how to reset the password inside our Sonicwall). This was huge, it saved me a trip to that office, but it also was something I would not have been able to know at all 6 months ago. And yet again, God put another very good friend in my life who really understood how great this was to me; Mike, who, yes, is my IT guy, but has always taught me (or tries to teach me anyway, lol) everything that is going on about my system. I love that he does this, as normally, IT guys don't want to mess with people who don't already know. Mike has led me to believe I am smart enough that sometimes IT guys wouldn't share with me because they knew I could learn it and that would lose them a service call. The first time he said it, I really thought he was just being a good salesman; but there are some days, I even believe it. It is really neat to me that God put someone in my life that I can say, "You won't believe what I just done!" and not get a blank stare, as the person looking at me tries to look happy but has no idea what I am talking about. I bugged Mike long enough to tell him this just happened, and to hear him laugh and say he knew I could do it. I needed that.

I am also working with him and several others on a forum of tech leaders, which I never used to (and really still don't) consider myself. We all had lunch a couple of weeks ago, and honestly, I was scared TO DEATH to go to this, as I thought I would feel like a kindergartner hanging around with a bunch of high schoolers, but I didn't. God putting yet more support in my way. (but see a couple more paragraph's below).

So, it has been a good week for me. At the same time, there have been lots of craziness, and things that are downers, but I get a constant reminder that we need to take things one day at a time--literally.One of my friends reminds me this almost everyday, either in a text, an email, on the phone, or in person. I wonder if they realize when they are doing this, they are speaking to me for God.

I have always been one of those people who wants to have the whole year planned, let alone the day or the week. Unless you live on a deserted island, this doesn't always work. Your plans are not always someone else's plans, and most importantly, they are not always God's.

I have friends who are really going through much bigger trials than I am, and I don't know how they function, There are times in life, I know exactly how to help a friend, and then times that I feel so very helpless, and I pray, and I know prayer changes things, and I know prayer really is enough because my God is that big, but at the same time, I feel so helpless. So I pray some more.

I want to tell you about a God wink I had the day of the tech leader's forum. I was on my way to the forum, and sitting at a stop sign, there was a long line of traffic coming and something flashed up on my phone. I picked it up and it was a facebook notification. I picked it up and opened facebook. The very first thing on my screen was a post from Vicki Cook. It was simply the verse Isaiah 41:10: Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee on the right hand of my righteousness. My absolute favorite verse in the Bible. I have recited it over and over again when I am afraid. I was very nervous, and God brought me a gift. Vicki is just now finding out this happened. Sometimes we do things that help other people and never know, there is a chance Vicki doesn't even know why she was particularly let to put that there. I do.

So, all we really have is our one day at a time. I so often think of the poem that dash, where you look back at your life as related to your birth date and death date,  But I think we need to remember our life is really a whole series of dashes, from the time we get up until the time we go to bed, we have that chance, that one day at a time.

I shared four things that friends did for me this week, just by being themselves, by living our lives. I hope and pray some of them, as well as others, have received equal blessings from me being in their lives.

I have had James 4:13-14 running though my mind this morning:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”;  whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 

We DO need to take things one day at a time, pray fervently for those things we want to see changed, and be there for the people God has put in our lives. 

And I know I have used this song before, but it is one of my favorites, and  today, running through my head.

Sidewall Prophets' Live Like That

Happy Saturday! On my way to spend the day with my LIHEAP sisters! More blessings in my life!

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