
Saturday, April 23, 2016

World Changers

To say life has been crazy at our workplace the last few months would be a grand understatement. Crazy as it was, things got a whole lot more chaotic the first day of April. There are 15 people out in the offices taking energy assistance applications and two of us in the main office trying to keep up with all the oddities that comes along with that fact that no two circumstances are even exactly alike. There have been days I have probably been close to tears and I know the girls I mentioned earlier have been in the same boat. The thing is though, we all have decisions to make about these clients and applications, and those decisions affect peoples lives--lots of people.

Last week, I attended a meeting with other LIHEAP program coordinators from across the state. Several of these people are good friends of mine and the night before the actual meeting, some of us got together. I was asked a question that was supposed to be followed with a decision and I said I was done making decisions for the day. My friend laughed and said they had just been discussing decision fatigue. I understood perfectly. Decisions I make every day affect peoples lives--lots of people.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting of the Policy Advisory Council for our program. I am not a member, but an invited guest, and am considered an interested party. Before that meeting we talked about how many members of this particular council doesn't come to the meetings. It is irritating to me that they have been assigned this responsibility and consistently find better things to do with their time. That's really another story though. The real story is, in this meeting, decisions are being made that affect peoples lives---lots of people.

I read an article not too long ago about how many hundreds of decisions we all make each day. Your first decision of the day comes when you wake up, do you lay there, or do you get up? What are you wearing for the day? What are your plans for the day? What are you fixing for dinner? What are you taking for lunch? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

I have spent a lot of my time this year watching what is going on in the General Assembly as well as Congress. I have truly found a new respect for some of our Senators and Representatives. During campaign season, you see these people and you wonder (I did anyway) how much they are really wanting to do things to change things or if they are just wanting the prestige of being a legislator.
I found out that more of them are in it to be world changers than I thought. That too involved a lot of decisions.

I look at all of these examples and they point to people who could be consider world changers. But the thing is, when each one of us gets out of bed each morning, we made a conscience decision. We can either dedicate this day to our Lord, or we can take a pass. Do you realize that every time you decide living your day for God is too much work, you are making the devil so very happy.  I seriously believe every one of us have more opportunities to be world changers than we know.

Many of us have heard the story about the boy who was befriended on his way home from school one night, he had plans to kill himself that weekend and this person taking time to talk to him and to become his friend changes his life, literally.

You truly never know when just a smile at someone could change their day. I have been the recipient of a pay-it-forward before, and it is such a cool feeling when you pull up to the drive through window and find out the car in front of you has paid for your coffee. Once it was even our Sheriff. I also love leaving enough for someone else to get a cup of coffee and tell the girl to just give it to someone who looks like they need it.

I am only giving you one verse this week.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 says, "But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.".

That means you need to do good every chance you get. Every. Chance, You, Get.

Don't let an opportunity pass you by. You never know whose life you might change.

 It doesn't matter if you are in an official capacity to make decisions that affect other lives or if you are waiting on a customer at the local restaurant;  your words, your actions, and you just being you could change someone's life.

We see the starfish poem a  lot in my business, because a lot of times, we changes the world one person at a time.

Just in case you don't know it...

I leave you with Matthew West's World Changers. I LOVE this song, ALMOST as much as his song Do Something (feel free to look that one up too). Point is, we ALL have the opportunity to change the world, and it is what Jesus wants us to do.

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